The Podcast last week was so much fun…we needed to have something light hearted to talk about….no politics just tips on travel, where to travel…stress free travel. And what a blast I had writing the PostPod Blog……
I FORGOT TO SAVE IT !!! It was so good!
I believe that Blog was never meant to be sent at that particular time…there was something brewing
The universe had a different sequence of events to write about….because, this is what happened next…..text conversation between 3Friends.
An injured mother lost two children. An injured child lost both parents and a sibling. Among the other victims was a security guard a relative called a "beautiful soul," and an engineer from India who found family in Frisco.
Now…this is what fucking infuriates me…..a child left without her mom, dad and sibling due to a person with a gun. I am so fucking tired of reading week after week!!!! Seriously….and it NOT even the focus of the media….the coronation and Trumps rape trial is. How many bills is it going to take…shooting after shooting the same old cry from the president…its now a deaf mute talking to the deaf…..all the while mental health escalates and suicide is the relief.
I’m sorry….I am finding it hard to blog about “get up and go travel and enjoy the world” when there is a 6 year old whose family has just been obliterated from this world she is suppose enjoy with them.
Ok…I got myself off the gun ledge. Will complete and post the travel pod/blog and research the sultry off-kilt life of couture, specifically KL which I am ultimately understanding why he always wore sunglasses!!!!
Margaret I am with you on the shootings. We get up and travel because we must have hope. We get up and travel to see in other parts of the word people live without AR-15s and do not have mass shootings. We get up and travel to see that there are others to exist that might work better than our ways. We get up travel to honor the victims, who would want us to live our lives to the fullest.
I also know that we have to keep living & working & creating & traveling because if we don’t then the crazies win!
Like you keep saying Cathie…..we have to keep using our voices!! And Patti, you are correct….we must keep living, working ,creating & traveling ‘cause if we do not the ‘crazies wing! Today is a good day.
Today is a good day to watch our Travel Podcast.
Click on 3Friends 1Chair.
I am so lucky and grateful to have such wise friends.
